March 26, 2019 — New Approaches to Defining “High-Level Radioactive Waste”
A WIEB Webinar — By Melanie K Snyder, WIEB HLRW ProgramManager [PDF-Power Point, 39 Slides]
December 2018 — Eureka County, Nevada Nuclear Waste Program — Key Issues for County Commissioners Regarding Yucca Mountain Review and Licensing Process — The purpose of this Issues Paper is to provide background and perspective in support of a Resolution by the County Commissioners to establish its principles and priorities for future oversight of and participation in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) licensing proceeding for a high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to build and operate the repository, and to transport large quantities of spent nuclear reactor fuel (SNF) and other high-level radioactive waste (HLW) to the repository through Nevada -- including, potentially, through Eureka County. Eureka County established its Nuclear Waste Program in 1992 and participated in the NRC licensing proceeding until 2010, when the proceeding was suspended. During the past decade . . .
Eureka County’s Notice Regarding Contentions On Which It Intends To Participate — Pursuant to the Commission’s Order of January 15, 2009, and 10 C.F.R. § 2.315(c), Eureka County hereby identifies the admitted contentions on which it intends to participate in this proceeding. The list of contentions is organized according to the subject matter areas in which the County has an interest [PDF 14 Pages — 
2018 Update — Socioeconomic Conditions & Trends Report — As a part of efforts to assess the potential impacts upon Eureka County of construction and operation of a Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Eureka County has developed and maintains an accurate picture of existing socioeconomic conditions and trends in the county. Six previous Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends Reports have been completed: one in 1994, one in 2003, 2006, 2013 and 2014. This 2018 report is an update to the 2015 report
Eureka Memories: Oral History Project, 1993 [795 Pages, 44 MB]. This document contains a series of interviews with fourteeen individuals and families in Eureka, Nevada. The Eureka County History Project (ECHP) engages in interviewing people who can provide firsthand descriptions of the individuals, events, and places that give history its substance. [The oral histories project was conducted and edited by Robert D. McCracken Albert Biale, interview by Susan Gallagher Eureka County History Project Eureka County, Nevada 1993]
Eureka County, Nevada — Comments on Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future Draft Report to the Secretary of Energy [October 2011 — 21 Pages] 
Eureka County, Nevada — Lessons Learned Regarding U.S. Repository Siting Process: Summary of Findings and Recommendations For the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future [April 2011 — 29 Pages, 590 KB ]
- 2014 Update — Socioeconomic Conditions & Trends Report — As a part of efforts to assess the potential impacts upon Eureka County of construction and operation of a Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Eureka County has developed and maintains an accurate picture of existing socioeconomic conditions and trends in the county.
- 2013 Update — Socioeconomic Conditions & Trends Report — As a part of efforts to assess the potential impacts upon Eureka County of construction and operation of a Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Eureka County has developed and maintains an accurate picture of existing socioeconomic conditions and trends in the county. Three previous Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends Reports have been completed: one in 1994, one in 2003, 2996 and one in 2012. This 2013 report is an update to the 2012 report -- see link below.
- Spring 2009 — Invisible Legacy: Western Shoshone & the Nuclear Era
—Dr. Bonnie Eberhardt Bobb
- Eureka County, Nevada — Mineral Assessment Report — November 2007 This report was prepared ass a part of efforts to assess the potential impacts upon Eureka County of construction and operation of a Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain.
- Yucca Mountain Existing Transporatation Corridor Impact Assessment Report: (2005) — This report examines current use and operations of the three state and federal highways, and one railroad main line that passes through Eureka County, including traffic volumes, accident statistics, physical conditions, weather effects, operations, and the regulatory structure, so that potential areas of delay, hazard, and other conditions that might affect nuclear waste transport may be identified.
- Yucca Mountain Rail Corridor Impact Study (2004) The Eureka County Rail Corridor Impact Study identifies construction and operation issues associated with development of the Carlin Alignment, a proposed U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) rail route that would transport high-level nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel from the mainline Union Pacific Railroad to the proposed Yucca Mountain repository in southern Nevada
- 2012 Update — Socioeconomic Conditions & Trends Report —
- Eureka County, Nevada - Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends - Update 2003
- September 2003 – Eureka County, Summary of DOE's Yucca Mountain Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Comment-Response Document: This 176 page document contains EIS Comments of Eureka County participants, the US. Department of Energy's response comments and Eureka County's responses to DOE's responses. The County's comments to DOE's responses highlight areas where DOE failed to adequately address comments. County requests for further study and consideration are respectfully made.
- Report on Eureka County Hazardous Materials Emergency Response: Requirements for Hazardous Materials Team and Evacuation Planning, April, 2003 – This Emergency Response Impact Assessment is an update to Eureka County's Impact Assessment Report. It studies the requirements and costs of providing a full time, professionally staffed regional emergency response facility in northern Eureka County to provide public health and safety emergency response in the event of an accident related to the proposed Carlin rail spur which would originate in Beowawe. The Report also addresses the required elements for shelter and evacuation planning as part of the description of the emergency planning process.
- Report on the Price-Anderson Act and its Potential Effects on Eureka County, Nevada – Prepared For The Board of Eureka County Commissioners Eureka, Nevada
- Eureka County Nevada, Testimony – Comments presented by Donna Bailey, Vice-Chairman of the Eureka County Board of Commissioners, at the U.S. Department of Energy Public Hearing on the Possible Site Consideration of Yucca Mountain as a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository, October 10, 2001
- Impact Assessment Report on Proposed Shipments of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste through Eureka County, Nevada
– Prepared for the Board of Eureka County Commissioners, August 2001 
- Eureka County Nevada, Comments – " Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada", February 2000
- October 1993 – Issues Identification Report for the Carlin Rail Route Option (Prepared for the Eureka County Board of Commissioners by Planning Information Corporation of Denver, Colorado)
Other Publications by Eureka County (Hard Copy Only)
- Eureka County Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends, 1992
- Eureka Memories: Oral History Project, 1993 [795 Pages, 44 MB]
- Eureka County Socioeconomic Conditions and Trends, 1993
- Emergency Management Existing Conditions and Needs, 1994
- Emergency Response Case Studies, 1995
- Atmospheric Pathways Report, 1995 (in cooperation with Lander County)
Publications — External Links