- November 13, 2001 – Letter from Eureka County [Leonard J. Fiorenzi] to Assemblyman Harry Mortenson, Chairman, Nevada Legislature's Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste -- The letter provides an update on Eureka County's Yucca Mountain Oversight Program
- October 18, 2001 – Letter from Eureka County Yucca Mountain Information Office regarding Eureka County Comments on Possible Site Recommendation for Yucca Mountain
- October 4, 2001 – Letter from Eureka County Yucca Mountain Information Office regarding the October 5, 2001 "public hearing session" in Crescent Valley, Eureka County, Nevada
- September 28, 2001 – Letter from Eureka County Yucca Mountain Information Office regarding the request for Yucca Mountain "Consideration Hearing" in Crescent Valley, Eureka County, Nevada
- August 6, 2001 – Eureka County letter the Executive Director or the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects regarding the Impact Assessment Report on proposed shipments of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste through Eureka County, Nevada
- May 21, 2001 – Eureka County letter to DOE's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. RE: Request to Extend Public Review and Comment Period for the Supplement to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada
- May 21, 2001 – Eureka County letter to DOE's Office of Civlian Radioactive Waste Management. RE: Request for Yucca Mountain "Consideration Hearing" in Crescent Valley, Eureka County, Nevada
- November 16, 2000 – Letter from Eureka County Yucca Mountain Information Office. RE: U.S. Department of Energy Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office, Applications to Extend Right-Of-Way Reservations N-48602 and N-47748 until January, 2008
- September 29, 2000 – Letter from the Eureka County Yucca Mountain Information Office to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The letter provides comments on NRC's actions concerning RE:10 CFR Part 71 Major revisions to 10 CFR Part 71; compatibility with ST-1 - the IAEA transportation safety standards – and other transportation safety issues
- February 2000 -- Eureka County Nevada, Comments - "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada"
- January 28, 2000 -- Eureka County Letter to the Nuclear Regulatory commission: The letter conveys the County support for a comprehensive assessment of the consequences of terrorist attacks which have the capability of sabotage, involving the entire spectrum of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel shipments to a potential repository.
- December 9, 1999 -- Testimony of Pete Goicoechea, Board of Eureka County Commissioners (NV), Crescent Valley Public Hearing. The testimony addresses the Adequacy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- December 9, 1999 -- Testimony of Sandy Green, Board of Eureka County Commissioners (NV), Crescent Valley Public Hearing. The testimony addresses the Adequacy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- June 28, 1999 -- Comments of Eureka County, Nevada on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR Part 63 -- Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Proposed Geological Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada; Proposed Rule (Federal Register February 22, 1999)
- June 21, 1999 -- Letter from Pete Goicoechea, Chairman of the Eureka County Board of Commissioners, to Mr. Abel Lopez, DOE's Freedom of Information Act Officer In this letter Eureka County requests information on whether or not DOE's decision to limit EIS comment time to 90 days is appealable.
- June 7, 1999 -- Letter from Pete Goicoechea, Chairman of the Eureka County Board of Commissioners, to Senator Richard Bryan This letter is in reference to DOE's recent refusal to extend the public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement back to the original 180 days. One just like it was sent to every member of the Nevada delegation in Congress.
- April 26, 1999 -- Letter from Abigail C. Johnson, Eureka County Nuclear Waste Advisor to Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The letter express disappointed that the NRC was unwilling to extend the comment deadline for a Notice in the Federal Register (See April 13, 199 letter below). The letter also express several concerns including the fact that draft Notice was misleading because it did not mention in the title that the subject matter of the Notice was transportation of nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain. The letter address other concerns such as NRC's failure to adequately consult with the affected units of local governments; the use of outdated population numbers; full coverage of all waste types that could be transported to a repository at Yucca Mountain, etc.
- April 20, 1999 -- Letter from Pete Goicoechea, Chairman, Eureka County Board of Commissioners to Lake Barrett, Acting Director U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. The letter requests that the Department of Energy provide a comment period of at least 180 days for the Yucca Mountain Repository Draft EIS, rather than the 90 period as previously announced by DOE.
- April 16, 1999 -- Letter from Abigail C. Johnson, Eureka County Nuclear Waste Advisor to Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The letter requests NRC to grant an extension of the comment period for the proposed rule 10 CFR Part 63, i.e., the rule would revise the radiation standard for a repository at Yucca Mountain Repository
- April 13, 1999 -- Letter from Abigail C. Johnson, Eureka County Nuclear Waste Advisor to Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The letter request a 90 day extension to the comment period for an NRC Notice in the Federal Register. The NRC is seeking public comments on proposed changes to the requirements for environmental review for renewal of nuclear power plant operating license; the notice address certain transportation issues that could affect the Yucca Mountain Repository Project.
- February 11, 1998 -- Letter from Eureka County to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Contracting Officer concerning a draft "Request for Proposal" for privatizing transportation to a repository
- November 30, 1998 -- Letter from Abigail C. Johnson, Eureka County Nuclear Waste Advisor to Department of Energy (DOE), Nevada Operations Office. The letter presents comments on DOE's Pre-approved Draft Environmental Assessment for Intermodal Transportation of Low-level Radioactive Waste to the Nevada Test Site.
- August 21, 1998 -- Letter from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announcing a technical exchange meeting in Las Vegas with representatives of the DOE's yucca Mountain project Office.
- January 29, 1998 -- Letter from Eureka County on the Price-Anderson Act (Comments -- Federal Register Notice of December 31, 1997)
- September 27, 1996 -- Letter from Eureka County to the U.S. Department of Energy concerning Section 180 (c) training and funding issues. (Comments -- Federal Register Notice of May 16, 1996 on "Safe Transportation and Emergency Response Training)
- May 9, 1996 -- Letter to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) from Eureka County. The letter address proposed changes to DOE's implementing regulations for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).