Eureka County
Yucca Mountain Information Office
P.O. Box 714
Eureka, Nevada 89316
Phone (775) 237-5372
FAX (775) 237-5708

September 13, 2002

The Honorable Harry Mortenson, Chairman
Nevada Legislative Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste
401 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701

Dear Assemblyman Mortenson:

Thank you for your letter of August 27, 2002 extending an invitation to Eureka County to make a presentation before your committee. Our nuclear waste advisor, Abigail Johnson, expects to be out of the state that date and unable to attend on our behalf.

We are pleased to provide you with an update on our program and our impact assessment report, as requested in your letter. Our report was completed in August of 2001. We are enclosing a copy for your information, as well as the written presentation we provided to you and your committee on November 13, 2001 concerning the findings of our report.

We continue to explore potential impacts from the possible construction of a nuclear waste rail spur through Eureka County. We are researching the implications for local government of the Price Anderson nuclear insurance law, and investigating the possible impacts on our groundwater from a radioactive release. We continue to keep residents informed using our nuclear waste website and through our Nuclear Waste Update newsletter.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at 775/237-5372 or Abigail Johnson at 775/882-0296.

Leonard J. Fiorenzi
Nuclear Waste Program Director

cc: Abigail Johnson
Marjorie Paslov Thomas

Attachments: November 13, 2001 letter; Eureka County Impact Assessment Report; Nuclear Waste Update newsletter (20 copies)

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