Eureka County
Yucca Mountain Information Office
P.O. Box 714
Eureka, Nevada 89316
Phone (775) 237-5372 FAX (775) 237-5708

April 13, 1999

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington DC 20555-0001

Dear Dr. Jackson:

     On February 26, 1999, NRC issued a Notice in the Federal Register seeking public comments on proposed changes to the requirements for environmental review for renewal of nuclear power plant operating license. The Notice has information on the transportation of spent fuel to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. The Notice incorporates information and findings from a draft Addendum to NUREG-1437.

     On behalf of Eureka County, Nevada, I am writing to request that the period for public comment on the proposed changes contained in the Federal Register Notice be extended by 90 days, and that the NRC conduct a public hearing on the the proposed changes in Nevada.

     We only learned of the notice recently. This is due to the misleading title of the notice which does not refer to transportation, but only to the re-licensing of nuclear power plants.

     With additional time to comment, the NRC will be able to hear from the affected units of local government in Nevada and California as well as other local governments, the state of Nevada, and other interested parties.

     We look forward to your reply concerning the extension of the comment period and the schedule for a hearing in Nevada on this important matter.


Abigail C. Johnson

Abigail C. Johnson
Nuclear Waste Advisor

Leonard Fiorenzi, Eureka County
Joe Strolin, NWPO

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