Eureka County
Yucca Mountain Information Office
P.O. Box 714
Eureka, Nevada 89316
Phone (775) 237-5372 FAX (775) 237-5708
June 28, 1999
Commissioner Greta Joy Dicus
c/o Secretary
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Attention: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff
RE: 10 CFR Part 63 Proposed Rule
Dear Chairman Dicus:
Attached are the comments of Eureka County, Nevada concerning the above referenced proposed rule. Eureka County is an affected county under Section 116 the Nuclear Waste Policy Act as amended.
We appreciate the time extension made by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on this regulation in response to requests from the public, and complement the Commission staff on its diligence in scheduling meetings in Nevada regarding the rule.
Please make our comments part of the record.
Abigail C. Johnson
Abigail C. Johnson
Nuclear Waste Advisor
Leonard Fiorenzi
John Balliette
Vicki Drennan
Nevada NWPO