Members of the Eureka County Commission visited the U.S. Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain facility.  The site visit occurred in May 2001

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Members of the Eureka delegation take a break on top of Yucca Mountain

View from the top of Yucca Mountain looking southeast toward the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Over 900 nuclear tests were conducted at NTS from 1951 to 1992.

Officials from the DOE provide a briefing for the Eureka County delegation -- Steve Frishman (far right), consultant from the State of Nevada, attended the all day tour and gave the State's perspective on technical issues pertaining to the proposed repository.

Members of the Eureka County delegation

Another view from the top of Yucca Mountain -- looking west toward Death Valley and the Sierra Nevada mountains

Leonard Fiorenzi, Eureka Public Works Director, at Yucca Mountain

MX Racetrack Basing Mode test shelter remains in Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site

Members of the Eureka County delegation

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