F Speed Data
NDOT maintains permanent speed monitoring stations throughout the state. This "Annual Speed Monitoring Program" (ASMP) is administered by the Traffic Information Division, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Prior to the enactment of the federally-mandated National Maximum Speed Limit (NMSL), the purpose of the ASMP was to provide reliable speed data which was used to evaluate statewide speed trends for highway design applications. After the NSML was instituted in 1974, states were required to implement comprehensive programs to monitor speeds to determine the level of motorist's compliance with the 55 MPH speed limit. At this time, the emphasis of the program was to provide speed data to determine the state's level of compliance with the NMSL.
In November 1995, the "National Highway Designation Act" was enacted, resulting in the repeal of the NMSL. Because Nevada is no longer required to submit an annual certification of speed limit enforcement, the purpose of the speed monitoring program is to provide data for trend analysis relative to the effects of the increased speed limits and the possible effects on speed related crashes.
Twenty-nine locations statewide are monitored on roadways posted at 65 MPH or greater. Monitoring is conducted on an annual basis only and reporting is on a calendar year cycle. The nearest station to the study area on US 50 (#112113) is east of Eureka in White Pine County. The closest station (#058059) along I-80 is near the Utah border (see Figure IV - n and Table IV-e. below) The most current data associated with these monitoring stations is in Appendix K.
Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 7 display the approximate location of speed zones along the study roadways.
