Table IV-b below displays historical and existing AADT at traffic count stations on I-80 within Eureka County. Traffic volumes are shown to be approximately 6,500 vehicle trips per day on I-80, with 10-year annual growth rates of 1.55, 1.59, and 2.01%. Figure IV - j, shows a graphical representation of historical traffic data along I-80. An annual traffic growth rate of 2% is an accepted growth rate within the traffic engineering practice. If it is then assumed that a two percent (2%) annual growth rate continued into the future, traffic volumes on I-80 would be as shown on page 75.
Percent |
# of Years |
Year |
Other traffic monitoring stations in Eureka County are included in Figure IV-k below. Traffic monitoring station data is shown on Table IV-c (also below) and includes data for three locations along SR 278.
Count station #36 is located on SR 278 south of Carlin near the Palisade South Junction. This traffic count shows little growth over the last 10 years (0.72%). Count station #250 is on SR 278 near I-80 and Chestnut Street near downtown Carlin (Elko County). This station shows an increase of 3.25% over the past 10 years. Traffic station #40 is on SR 278 just north of US 50. This station shows a 10-year annual increase of 3.06%. A fourth station that has no historical data prior to 2003 is count station #1111109. This station counted 350 AADT in 2003 and represents "through" traffic along SR 278 between Carlin and Eureka.
Data gathered for SR 278 shows that at the northern and southernmost termini traffic has greater growth rates. The main line of SR 278 shows AADT about half as much as populated areas with minimal historical growth.
