Authority: NEPA, the Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 4371 et seq.), sec. 309 of the Clean Air Act, as
(42 U.S.C. 7609), and E.O. 11514 (Mar. 5, 1970, as amended by E.O. 11991,
24, 1977).
Source: 43 FR 56000, Nov. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
Sec. 1506.1 Limitations on actions during NEPA process.
(d) This section does not preclude development by applicants of plans or
designs or performance of other work necessary to support an application
Federal, State or local permits or assistance. Nothing in this section
preclude Rural Electrification Administration approval of minimal
expenditures not affecting the environment (e.g. long leadtime equipment
purchase options) made by non-governmental entities seeking loan
from the Administration.
Sec. 1506.2 Elimination of duplication with State and local procedures.
Sec. 1506.3 Adoption.
Sec. 1506.4 Combining documents.
Any environmental document in compliance with NEPA may be combined with
other agency document to reduce duplication and paperwork.
Sec. 1506.5 Agency responsibility.
Sec. 1506.6 Public involvement.
Agencies shall:
Sec. 1506.7 Further guidance.
The Council may provide further guidance concerning NEPA and its
(a) A handbook which the Council may supplement from time to time, which
shall in plain language provide guidance and instructions concerning the
application of NEPA and these regulations.
(b) Publication of the Council's Memoranda to Heads of Agencies.
(c) In conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency and the
publication of the 102 Monitor, notice of:
- Research activities;
- Meetings and conferences related to NEPA; and
- Successful and innovative procedures used by agencies to implement
Sec. 1506.8 Proposals for legislation.
(a) The NEPA process for proposals for legislation (Sec. 1508.17)
significantly affecting the quality of the human environment shall be
integrated with the legislative process of the Congress. A legislative
environmental impact statement is the detailed statement required by law
be included in a recommendation or report on a legislative proposal to
Congress. A legislative environmental impact statement shall be considered
part of the formal transmittal of a legislative proposal to Congress;
however, it may be transmitted to Congress up to 30 days later in order to
allow time for completion of an accurate statement which can serve as the
basis for public and Congressional debate. The statement must be available
time for Congressional hearings and deliberations.
(b) Preparation of a legislative environmental impact statement shall
conform to the requirements of these regulations except as follows:
- There need not be a scoping process.
- The legislative statement shall be prepared in the same manner as a
draft statement, but shall be considered the "detailed statement" required
statute; Provided, That when any of the following conditions exist both
draft and final environmental impact statement on the legislative proposal
shall be prepared and circulated as provided by Secs. 1503.1 and 1506.10.
(i) A Congressional Committee with jurisdiction over the proposal has a
rule requiring both draft and final environmental impact statements.
(ii) The proposal results from a study process required by statute (such
those required by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.)
the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.)).
(iii) Legislative approval is sought for Federal or federally assisted
construction or other projects which the agency recommends be located at
specific geographic locations. For proposals requiring an environmental
impact statement for the acquisition of space by the General Services
Administration, a draft statement shall accompany the Prospectus or the
Report of Building Project Surveys to the Congress, and a final statement
shall be completed before site acquisition.
(iv) The agency decides to prepare draft and final statements.
(c) Comments on the legislative statement shall be given to the lead
which shall forward them along with its own responses to the Congressional
committees with jurisdiction.
Sec. 1506.9 Filing requirements.
Environmental impact statements together with comments and responses
be filed with the Environmental Protection Agency, attention Office of
Federal Activities (A-104), 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460.
Statements shall be filed with EPA no earlier than they are also
to commenting agencies and made available to the public. EPA shall deliver
one copy of each statement to the Council, which shall satisfy the
requirement of availability to the President. EPA may issue guidelines to
agencies to implement its responsibilities under this section and Sec.
Sec. 1506.10 Timing of agency action.
(a) The Environmental Protection Agency shall publish a notice in the
Federal Register each week of the environmental impact statements filed
during the preceding week. The minimum time periods set forth in this
shall be calculated from the date of publication of this notice.
(b) No decision on the proposed action shall be made or recorded under
1505.2 by a Federal agency until the later of the following dates:
- Ninety (90) days after publication of the notice described above in
paragraph (a) of this section for a draft environmental impact statement.
- Thirty (30) days after publication of the notice described above in
paragraph (a) of this section for a final environmental impact statement.
An exception to the rules on timing may be made in the case of an agency
decision which is subject to a formal internal appeal. Some agencies have
formally established appeal process which allows other agencies or the
to take appeals on a decision and make their views known, after
of the final environmental impact statement. In such cases, where a real
opportunity exists to alter the decision, the decision may be made and
recorded at the same time the environmental impact statement is published.
This means that the period for appeal of the decision and the 30-day
prescribed in paragraph (b)(2) of this section may run concurrently. In
cases the environmental impact statement shall explain the timing and the
public's right of appeal. An agency engaged in rulemaking under the
Administrative Procedure Act or other statute for the purpose of
the public health or safety, may waive the time period in paragraph (b)(2)
this section and publish a decision on the final rule simultaneously with
publication of the notice of the availability of the final environmental
impact statement as described in paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) If the final environmental impact statement is filed within ninety
days after a draft environmental impact statement is filed with the
Environmental Protection Agency, the minimum thirty (30) day period and
minimum ninety (90) day period may run concurrently. However, subject to
paragraph (d) of this section agencies shall allow not less than 45 days
comments on draft statements.
(d) The lead agency may extend prescribed periods. The Environmental
Protection Agency may upon a showing by the lead agency of compelling
of national policy reduce the prescribed periods and may upon a showing by
any other Federal agency of compelling reasons of national policy also
prescribed periods, but only after consultation with the lead agency.
see Sec. 1507.3(d).) Failure to file timely comments shall not be a
sufficient reason for extending a period. If the lead agency does not
with the extension of time, EPA may not extend it for more than 30 days.
the Environmental Protection Agency reduces or extends any period of time
shall notify the Council.
[43 FR 56000, Nov. 29, 1978; 44 FR 874, Jan. 3, 1979]
Sec. 1506.11 Emergencies.
Where emergency circumstances make it necessary to take an action with
significant environmental impact without observing the provisions of these
regulations, the Federal agency taking the action should consult with the
Council about alternative arrangements. Agencies and the Council will
such arrangements to actions necessary to control the immediate impacts of
the emergency. Other actions remain subject to NEPA review.
Sec. 1506.12 Effective date.
The effective date of these regulations is July 30, 1979, except that
agencies that administer programs that qualify under section 102(2)(D) of
Act or under section 104(h) of the Housing and Community Development Act
1974 an additional four months shall be allowed for the State or local
agencies to adopt their implementing procedures.
(a) These regulations shall apply to the fullest extent practicable to
ongoing activities and environmental documents begun before the effective
date. These regulations do not apply to an environmental impact statement
supplement if the draft statement was filed before the effective date of
these regulations. No completed environmental documents need be redone by
reasons of these regulations. Until these regulations are applicable, the
Council's guidelines published in the Federal Register of August 1, 1973,
shall continue to be applicable. In cases where these regulations are
applicable the guidelines are superseded. However, nothing shall prevent
agency from proceeding under these regulations at an earlier time.
(b) NEPA shall continue to be applicable to actions begun before January
1970, to the fullest extent possible.
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